Send her a copy of 50 Shades....that should do it .
diana netherton
JoinedPosts by diana netherton
Do you think this message would tempt me back to the loving arms of the cong?
by HappyOutsideTheBox ina 25 year old relative of mine was being stalked last week by an older woman.
the police were involved and the perpetrator arrested.. as it was the convention and his uber zealous, hypocritical mother- aka my sister, was going to be absent from home i called to see how he was doing.
in the course of the conversation i referred to 50 shades of grey' (the stalker had fantasised about him being mr grey).
"Amish - Out of Order"...Have you watched this show???
by freshstart init comes on the national geographic channel and it's about young people who choose to leave the amish faith/way of life, the backlash from their families, and their adjustment to the "outside" world.
it's fascinating for me to watch.
some of the experiences are unique to amish, but so much of it is similar to what people feel when they decide they no longer want to be witnesses.
diana netherton
I have lived right in the heart of the Amish community now for almost 12 years. In fact, I am surrounded by
farms where I am -- and outlets! I also work in the judicial system, and I can say for a fact that child abuse
in their community is a severe problem. I've had several in my courtroom over the years. Almost all of them plead guilty.
What is shocking to me is the amount of support the Amish community give the abuser. Usually, there's about
30 people from the church on one side and the poor victim(s) usually only have a counselor with them.
They ask for mercy...but to me the victim will be punished more since they will have to live with it forever.
The last one I had was just this June. Father abusing his daughters for years. Finally one spoke up to
protect the younger sister. What struck me as really sad is the mother, instead of sticking with her daughters,
pled for mercy for her husband.
The JW religion is not far off the Amish as far as their practices and the amount of hypocrisy that goes on.
The standards are much too high and that leads to people scrambling trying to "cover" their image.
JW Longo Story on ABC TV July 11th "Final Witness"
by AndersonsInfo in
final witness*.
air date: wednesday, july 11, 2012. time slot: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm est on abc.
diana netherton
They ought to put rocks in pillow sheets and rope around his feet, chuck him over the side of the bridge like
he did with his children. I don't uphold violence at all, but this is just about the worst thing ever.
Sunday's Drama @ convention!!! OMG!!!
by itscrap&theyknowit! inthe drama -- i basically laughed hysterically!
i guess marriages are breaking up left and right within the organization.
a couple got married young.
diana netherton
Link, Pleeeeeease????
Sunday's Drama @ convention!!! OMG!!!
by itscrap&theyknowit! inthe drama -- i basically laughed hysterically!
i guess marriages are breaking up left and right within the organization.
a couple got married young.
diana netherton
I think I need to watch it!
Emailing my sister RE: Child abuse conviction - NEED HELP!!
by What Now? inso the other night, my family was together and my dad brought up the recent child abuse conviction for the society.
big surprise, my sister hadn't heard anything about it, so of course she got right on to the website and emailed me the link to the watchtowers official statement.
this is my reply:.
diana netherton
If she's anything like my sister, who decided to "return" a few years ago, I would
rather bang my head against a wall than get into any sort of debate over anything
Jo-ho related. You simply cannot get to people who are so brainwashed. The change
has to come from them hopefully waking up to the reality of what they are in. I find
that it just causes more angst all around.
Just my few cents..
Watchtower's Billion Dollars of Property Cannot Be Sold until Outcome of Conti Appeal
by Dogpatch in30 minutes ago i just got off the phone with some important players in this case, and some things were relayed to me concerning a lot of details of the outcome of the last two days of court.
i am passing this on.
cynthia hampton, one of the main players in the candace conti case (and a close friend of 28 years), just informed me of a further, far more powerful move by the state of california against the watch tower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. by order of the superior court of the state of california - county of alameda (see documents below), until the watch tower's appeal, which won't begin until august 13th and will take up to two years to settle due to due process of law, has forbidden the watch tower to sell any more of its $1 billion in assets in the borough of brooklyn until the appeals case is finished, to assure they won't shelter their monies in the light of this most huge and devastating sexual abuse scandal ever to hit the watch tower society, and perhaps any other single-victim lawsuit.
diana netherton
If they're smart, they'll drop the appeal, pay the damages and sweep this whole
untidy "mess" under the carpet. In a few more years they can deny it ever happened
and blame the Satan and the "apostates". I've been silent for years, mostly out of
respect for my family, but sometimes you just have to take a stand. Now is the time.
Anyone Besides Me Have Difficulty Saying The Word "Jehovah"?
by Low-Key Lysmith ineven when i was a devout witless, i always winced a bit when i heard or especially had to utter "jehovah".
it's just one of those uncomfortable words to say like "colostomy", "vagina", or "erectile dysfunction"..
diana netherton
Wow..I thought I was the only one...I cringe. When I was talking to my mother a few
years ago about the whole religion thing, I kept saying JWs. She told me that she thought
it was disrespectful, but I can't even say it without stuttering over it!
JWTALK.NET: 'Apostates are having a field day with this child abuse case'.
by Joliette inboo!.
some of the utterly ridiculous comments that i've read on
'i pray fevently jehovah will sanctify his name.
diana netherton
Hey snare, how did you get around those idiotic song questions to sign up?
Can you PM the answers so I can?
What Some Loyal JW's Are Saying About The Oakland Case.
by Bangalore inform the pro-jw site jwtalk.
this is such a ronald mcdonald court case.
i can't believe what i am reading.. lie: "the lawsuit alleged that watchtower had a policy that instructed elders in its jehovah's witnesses congregations to keep reports of child sex abusers within the religious group secret to avoid lawsuits.".
diana netherton
I need a few good laughs...